In this article I wanted to do something a little different again. On the second floor of my house hangs a piece of paper in a picture frame. On 27 June 2019 I wrote this document after reading a book by Steven Covey called the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
In his book, Covey argues that every person should clearly outline their goals and define their principals. This is important, because if you don't live according to your deep rooted purpose, you live an incorrect life, and your efforts are in vain.
Once you know who you are, and what you want to be, Covey tells you to write it all down, and hang it up in a place where you see it every single day. It's like a map. It reminds you where you're going.
It's why I take things like challenges so seriously. None of this stuff is ever just about me. I'm part of a bigger world. I have a family. I live in a community.
Here is the one that I wrote and that I follow to this day.
My Family Constitution
Written on 27 June 2019
We The Family,
Agree to Guide Our Lives in Accordance with the following Mission Statement
Our Mission is to Live in Harmony with one Another, to Love, to be Honest, to Practice Integrity, Empathy, Personal Excellence and to Impact the World
To Fulfill this Mission:
I Live in a House of Love and Safety: This house is a place of learning and of acceptance. I’m allowed to make mistakes. I’m allowed to say sorry. I’m allowed to push back and to grow. The family will not judge me. The family will be there for me no matter what and will help me through difficult spots. I can ask questions. People will make time for me. I can express ideas and the household will listen to me and will remain open. I will not act out in emotion. I will take a moment and collect myself. I will not hurt others or myself. I will not bully. I see each of my family members as having worth. My family is a team. My team values me as an individual and my individuality is worthy of celebration and respect.
I Listen: Each person in this house has personal dignity. Each person in this house has a voice and is valued. Each person will be listened to. This is a house of open communication. Attempts to understand and learn from each other will be made. We will never purposely ignore or talk over another family member. We will take turns. Each person will speak and be heard. We all matter and our words carry meaning and our words are valuable.
I am Fair but Firm: I have jobs to do and people trust me to get those jobs done. I will be corrected if I do not do my job. I will ask for help and my family will help me. I will be fair and my family members will be fair with me. We will discuss conflicts or concerns openly. We will respect each other’s privacy. We will listen to and will value all opinions. We will not accuse. We will not attack. We will not devalue. We will approach conflict in a calm and collected manner.
We will Have Fun: We are all kids at heart. We work hard so that we can play hard.
Life is fun and life is about experiencing joy and laughter. We will always make time for fun. Fun is important. We will laugh out loud. We will enjoy each other’s company. We will be silly. We will be goofy. We will tell jokes and will tickle one another. We will have a sense of humor, and will laugh at our mistakes.
In this article I shared my family's constitution with you. I hope it inspires you. I think you have your own set of goals, and that your life is unique and special. Value it. It's important. You were put here for a reason. You need to take it seriously. Figure out who you are. Figure out why you're here. Think about it, and put some effort into it.
Once you know, you'll grow. Life takes guts. Be brave. Stick to your guns, and stay the course. The world needs you. You have something valuable to offer. A family constitution is your chance to put the thing into writing and to define it. It's like a cornerstone. You can build great things once you have it in place. Write one today. Hang it up. Review it. Live it and use it to stay on track. The world will be better for it. This is your chance!
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