Monday, July 6, 2020

🤠 How to Spend the Next Sixty-Six Days Of Your Life Changing Your Future Self Forever

Waiting For Change is For Chumps. Begin Today!

Article by Edward Smith
06 July 2020


Did you know it takes an average of 66 days for a well-meaning, short term idea to become a well established, long term habit?  

On 06 July 2020, I was reading through a book entitled Retire Inspired by Chris Hogan. 

In his book, Hogan details how retirement is supposed to work. Hogan argues that retirement doesn't happen by accident.  One must have a plan and be intentional. The book has been in my library for years, and I've read it before, but today something stood out.   The book struck a nerve. 

What could I change in 66 days if I started today? 
What would I want to change?  

That's how this thing happened.   
The challenge was put forth.   I'm game.   
Challenge accepted! 

The Sixty-Six Day Challenger Blog Website

In this blog you will witness my personal journey of self reflection and discovery as I undertake the sixty-six day challenge of self identification, goal setting and personal change.   For me this blog is therapy and medicine.   

From my perspective, my bad habits have gotten out of control.  I'm forty two, and I have the same bad habits that I've had since I was twenty.   Those bad habits have become harmful, and they continue to stifle my growth as a person both personally and professionally.   This blog forces me to address my negative habits out in the open, and forces me to become accountable.

For you this blog will hopefully be educational.   I hope the blog will provide insight and inspiration about the human experience.  I hope this blog expands into a useful learning tool for those interested in psychology and temptation.  Change is super tough for everyone.   It takes bravery and commitment.  This is my commitment.   The challenge starts now!  

Accept the Sixty-Six Day Challenge Today!
If you like what you saw here.   Click this link and check out my next Article.

Edward Smith
The Sixty-Six Day Challenger!

Works Cited

Hogan, Chris. Retire Inspired It's Not an Age It's a Financial Number. Brentwood, Tennessee, Ramsey Press, The Lampo Group, Inc., 2016.

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