Friday, July 31, 2020

🤠 How to Stop Being a Zero and Start Being a Hero!

Day 27:   Don't Blow It!

by Edward Smith
01 Aug 2020 

When Your Fun Stops Being Fun

In my house we have two versions of the budget.   We have the larger house version, which covers everything that the family needs, including our basics like food, electricity, car gas, and the mortgage.   

We also pay each other a smaller allowance called "blow money", which if you manage it, can work  like a smaller personal budget that only covers you.   

Blow money is intended to be fun money that a person uses to blow off steam.  It's what pays for those cool sneakers, or that new expensive belt.  The house allows it.   It's sanctioned.

 The thing is, fun can be taken too far.   Don't have fun at your own expense.

Ten Years of Blow Money and Nothing to Show For It

The problem with blow money is I always blow it.   I mean, that's kind of the point.   Right?

Not a big deal.  Problem is, one day I woke up and it all changed.    

On my Fortieth  birthday.   I began thinking about how the last decade had gone.   I suddenly realized my personal savings were at zero.   In fact they were always at zero.   I never had anything left over at the end of any month.  

I would run out, and then I would be waiting for the next month to start up so I could run in, and get fed more hay by the household.  It never stopped, and I wasn't getting anywhere.

I had become a greedy little goat. 

Ten Years of Blow Money and Lots to Show For It

My wife on the other hand, had taken a different approach.

She would spend some of her money, but then she would also keep some of it.    Over time, her savings kept building up, and then she would go out and buy something larger that I could never afford.   

That started to bug me at a small competitive level, but it also began to scare me at a much larger oh my gosh level.  

I realized, if my laptop blew up, that was it.    I wouldn't be able to cover the cost of replacing it.    I'd have to ask the house to bail me out, or I'd have to start saving up for it right there and then.   It could take over a year or more to get a new one.   I might not have a working computer for an entire year.   

That wasn't going to work.

I decided I needed to do something about it, and right now.   

Want to know what I did?  


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