Day 58: Unemployment Is Bad For Kids
A Non-Traditional Homemaker, Embarks on a 66 day Challenge To Alter His Fate, Shape His Family's Future, and Spread a Story of Inspiration.
Monday, August 31, 2020
🤠How to Legally Put Your Kids to Work for Pay
Sunday, August 30, 2020
🤠How Shaving Your Own Hair As a Guy Saves You Thousands
In this article I'm going to describe how you can save some money by cutting your own hair at home. Saving money is something everyone can do. It can be really easy when you put your mind to it, and it doesn't always have to be restricting.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
🤠How To Keep Yourself From Getting Used By Your Car
Day 56: New Cars Don't Impress Your Future
Friday, August 28, 2020
🤠How A 66 Day Challenge Reveals Your Innermost Dark Secrets
Day 55: What's the Point?
Thursday, August 27, 2020
🤠How To Attract Good Things With Other Good Things
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
🤠How A Will Keeps Your Good Memory Alive
Day 53: When There is a Will There is a Way
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
🤠How Not Having a Will is Scary and Leads to Civil War
Day 52: When There is a Will There is a Way
Monday, August 24, 2020
🤠How To Train an Old War Dog
After I took classes at the local community college, I got a bug for attending college. I began taking the whole thing really seriously, and my first action upon leaving the service was to attend college full time. My skin was the in the game now, so the whole thing had become very personal.
I knew that this was my last chance, and that my behaviors would dictate how it went, so I never stopped working hard after that point. The hard work payed off. I did well in my classes, and doors began to open up for me. Those doors eventually led to a great job after I got out of college.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
🤠How Paying The Price Teaches You Value
Day 50: You Have to Pay To Play
It includes everything.
Military benefits are real, but you work hard to earn all of them. That teaches you to respect and appreciate what you get.
I didn't earn my first military benefit until after I was at my first duty station. It took me about three years in to get into my first college classroom. Everything before that was training.
When you serve in the military, the military comes first. Always. When I would try to find ways to start school, I would run into restrictions, or someone would have to give me a signed permission slip.
Those permission slips never got signed until I was able to prove that I could handle my job and balance my free time with my job. School and work were seen as conflicting things, and the job couldn't suffer because of side gigs.
Grades were another thing. I had to keep my grades high, or the benefits would disappear.
During this time I began attending classes at the local community college. I was a rare creature. Many of my fellow soldiers weren't going.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
🤠How To Return to the Scene of a Crime and Resurrect An Old College Flame
Day 49: Don't Be a Fugitive
If you read my last article entitled 🤠How To Do the Time When You Do the Crime, you'll learn that I ended up trading my civilian life for a military one. It's not for everyone, but for me it was a great trade.
What you might not have learned from my last article is I got to keep making trades after that point. Eventually I got to trade my military life for a second chance at attending college.
That was important, because I was a college drop out. My life had been heading no where. I had no plan. I was a loser. The military life gave me a new direction. I became a winner. It was trans-formative. It saved me.
Your story doesn't have to be like mine, but listen to my story anyways. You might learn something. It's a good one.
False Premises and the G.I. Bill
I wish I could say I joined the military because I had a strong push and need to serve my country. Unfortunately, I'd be lying if I said any of that.
To be honest. I was still being a short sighted, entitled little brat. I joined up with the military to take advantage of the G.I. Bill. I saw the G.I. bill as a free ticket back into college. I had no idea what the military life was about or what it was actually like.
Friday, August 21, 2020
🤠How To Do the Time When You Do the Crime
Day 48: Declaring Martial Law On Yourself
Thursday, August 20, 2020
🤠How To Earn a College Degree In Personal Pain
Day 47: Don't Be a School Fool
🤠How To Complete a 66 Day Challenge
Day 66: Reaching the Finish Line by Edward Smith 09 Sept 2020 Mission Complete! In this article I wanted to finish what I started back on 06...